The Beginning
Memories consist of various things, mainly sights, sounds, feelings, and smells. Growing up following my dad around construction sites familiarized me with wood, tools and the joyful feeling you get seeing a smile on your customers face. Every time a saw blade slices into a piece of wood the air fills with that all to familiar smell I experienced growing up working with my dad. If there is only one thing I could take with me that he taught me it would be that there is no substitution for quality and precision.

Throughout my time in college I jumped around from working for my dad during the summers to attending the front desk at the YMCA and Fastenal. Between part time jobs and school I started to slip away from the craft of carpentry. On a cold Sunday night just a few short weeks after graduation I received a phone call that to this day I can play word for word in my mind. On that cold winter evening I not only lost my dad but I lost a mentor and friend. The following days and weeks were a blur but looming in the near future we were realizing we needed to dissolve his business.
Throughout this process it became apparent that I was not going to let go of the tools easily but I also knew it wasn't practical to keep everything so I decided to hang on to the essentials knowing someday I would own a home and probably need to do some work. Little did I know at the time that about a year later I would be married and moving into our first home. Some of the first things I moved in and set up were those tools I received from my dad. While setting up our new home my wife requested a few items and asked that I make them. This was the small spark the re-ignited the fire that drives my passion for woodwork. No matter how many times the saw blade slices through a board that smell will always remind me of the qualities that my dad instilled in me, there is no substitute for quality and precision.
Our Team

As the self proclaimed Head Sawdust Maker, Jacob is the friendly face that you will see in the shop on a typical day. Designing and building furniture may be his specialty but helping customers be successful in their own projects is a close second.

Whether you want to call her the CEO, CFO or just the motor running the machine you won't be wrong. Aubrey doesn't spend a lot of time in the shop but she is certainly serving an important roll in keeping this organized and helping develop new ideas and business strategies.